Friday 17 August 2007


Sometimes I have a picture in my head and it turns into three dimensions. It's my brothers 50th birthday next month. This is his present. I am fairly confident he doesn't make a habit of looking at this page so it's probably ok to unveil him here. He is a Satin Bower bird. The inspiration for the title of this blog. He comes to me in dreams and holds a special place in my heart. When I see one in reality, I am moved, for the connection we have is undeniable. He is a collector of beautiful colour. A hoarder. He sculpts an elaborate bower around the jewels he finds and lures potential lovers to his creation. My brother and I are cursed/blessed with the same affliction. I think it's genetic. We collect to the point of suffocation. We sort and catalogue, assign and combine. This bird is made of things he might have collected, had I not found them first.


fifi said...

Oh, that is lovely. I have never seen a real bower bird, so there is something we DON"T have in common, (ha ha)

I don't think that a bower bird would be available to swoop upon the pieces of treasure that you seize upon. For instance that little item out the front of my place you gleefully scrambled down to fetch. The only bower bird that comes round here is you.
Ah, Sunday. Lets see how the weekend pans out, shall we? Lets see whom I must ferry, and to whence I might fery them. I should like to go to Hazelhurst.

fifi said...

*wishes self could learn to type*

jane said...

is hazelhurst in the mountains? That would be come here...I go there...I will call you regardless.

Anonymous said...

lucky, lucky brother

hafiz laughs said...

janie. wondrous. he makes me shiver in delight. do you think i may be able to share his little bower? he & i have the same taste -blue blue blue. guess who! x

jane said...

Hafiz, 'course I know who you are, but what's with the new starsign? Libran not good enough eh?

Thirdcat, I relised recently that so many of my artworks are gifts for people. It helps to have a reason for making things and have a muse for each piece. Another bonus is that I can always see my babies again.

bowerbird said...

This is me! I'm a Bowerbird, couldn't believe it when i found this, I added it to my blog.

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
